Tuesday, September 6, 2022

September 6, 2022 - Delilah


Title: September 6, 2022 - Delilah
Hike Info : Description : Background  Animals 
Hike Info:


My last day on this stint at Delilah, and what is predicted to be the hottest. I am not sure what it is, maybe heat. maybe old age-i hope it is heat, not old age-but I feel like I want to go home. I guess I am tired. These are long days. I am looking forward to getting off at 1800

I get up at 0520 and start my lightning report. There were six strikes all west of Florence Lake, but several cloud to cloud east of Buck Rock. She heard them last night.

Watts and Burroughs Valley-where the fire was yesterday
I go into service at 0700-for once on time at Delilah, I go in-service when the Forest thought I was going in. I finish up the lightning report on Forest time at 0720. After doing a few scans, I have my breakfast. By 0900, it is 90 degrees inside of the cab and by 1000 it is 91 outside and 94 inside. When I take the weather, the RH is 20%. This catches the Forest’s attention. I now go into my wet T-Shirt and cap mode. Any bets on if and when the cab will reach 100 degrees?

By the way, in an earlier blog, I talked about the birds at Delilah. Add sparrows in as well. Usually there are turkey vultures, but so far I have not seen them. Also several times dragonflies have entered into my binoculars field of vision. Talking about objects being closer than they appear. The first time, I wonder what is going to devour me.

Along the lines of birds, I made hummingbird water for the first time. Sherri usually does that. Now to see if the hummingbirds like my attempt.

It must be a rule of mine: there must be at least one fax paus each day I am in a tower. Today’s attempt at mucking up is that I missed the 1100 Sierra lookout check-in. Why you might ask? I am usually pretty regular with that one. While my hand-held radio battery decided it had lost all of its energy. I cannot blame it as with this heat, I have lost a lot of energy myself. Thanks to Buck Rock, I found out that I had been missed. So I called in that I was all safe and sound.
Clouds and the Kings River

Otherwise, life continues on. I scan and practice placing locations in my range. I have in my notes for the next person: be careful of the railings. They get scorching hot. Also I listen in on conversations. Such as the Forest is getting ready to release water from Hume Lake to do repairs. There is a lot of coordination. First between the contractors and the Forest. Then getting the personnel at Hume Lake to make sure everybody is safe in the Lake and down stream. Then finally to open the valve. Also the Forest personnel try to take care of the visitors. Such as a lady had a flat tire down by Grizzly Falls. Patrol 33 was sent down to assess and try to help. Patrol 33 ended up taking the lady into Cedar Grove to phone for assistance.

Just before 1500, I heard of a smoke being spotted at Redinger Lake. It is outside of where I can see, but I look anyway in case I can see it. Nope-too big of a ridge between Delilah and the San Joaquin River.

Water Gate opened at Hume Lake

Porterville notes that Forest personnel are on from 0730 to 1930 this week. I talk with Buck Rock and she is in agreement that I can still go out of service at 1800. I am thankful for that. The only other thing which happens is Richard calls up. He is coming in tomorrow and wants to know about anything he should be concerned about. Not really. There was a fire, but it was cleared up. But I tell him, be prepared for it to be hot. I then clean up the cab-disinfecting the counter tops, mopping the floor, getting rid of the trash. At 1813 I go out of service with both Sierra and Porterville.

The drive home is uneventful. I got home a few minutes after 2000, tired but feeling good. Particularly after taking a shower and having some ice cream.

I would be remiss in leaving without calling out people who called to check in, or have conversation with me. These people include Kathy, Wendy, Doug, and, of course, Sherri-my wife. Thank you!



Outdoor Temp

Indoor Temp


























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