Title: December 28, 2024 - Return to Fresno
It is the usual get up and get going. We are aiming to leave around 9-we just need to be out by 11. Breakfast is leftovers and odds and ends and cereal if we want that. There is a nice mist hanging over us.
The first order of business, after breakfast, is to get David’s car loaded. He has the longest drive of the three cars today as he is going back to Eureka. He leaves around 8.
Then the next task is to get our car loaded. While there is not as much stuff in the car as we had coming, we still need the third seat down. So it will be the same driving arrangements as when we come to Dorrington. The difference is that I can now see a little bit out of the back window. Also the weather looks a lot better.
There is a cleaning service for the cabin, but there are a few things they want us to do before we leave. By the time we get everything ready, and Andrea’s car loaded, it is closing in on 10 before we leave.
Our way home is more scenic than coming up. We go back down Highway 4, but before Angel’s Camp we wander around some of the backcountry roads until we hit Highway 49. In our wanderings we see a church called the Church of the 49er’s in Columbia. I do not believe it has to do with the football team, even though that is a possibility. As a note, this is a Presbyterian Church.
We travel to Sonora, and head down 120 for a ways. Sherri and Rachel get some coffee in Sonora-why? I do not know. Then it is backroads to Merced. Once in Merced, we head down the very familiar Highway 99 to Fresno, coming to the end of our time together.
Well, we do have the pleasure of having Rachel with us for a few more days.
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