Title: Title: December 27, 2024 - Dorrington, Calaveras Big Trees
Hike Info : Description : Extra Photo's : Flowers and Plants
Type: Hiking
Trail: North Grove Campground Road, Old Moran Road, Big Trees Parkway
Trail head:Calaveras Big Trees main parking area
Destination:LoopDistance: 3.78 miles
Start Time:1:08
End Time: 3:10
Travel Time: 2:02 (1.86 mph)
Moving Time: 1.43 (2.20 mph)
Elevation Rise: 454'
Descent: 369'
Maximum Elevation: 4,935'
Pond which Andrea went by on her morning run |
I woke up about 7:15 after not falling back asleep for a while about 3:30. But I am feeling rested, well at least OK. Rachel is up with Friday-they both are reading outside, snuggled under a blanket. When David gets up, Rachel fixes us a breakfast of French toast and sausage. Then it is mostly chatting the rest of the morning.Except yesterday I had lost my car fob, so we did a search for it. Found it under the bed. Then Rachel needed to work this morning.
We read, play cards and talk while Rachel is working. We have lunch around noon. Rachel will then be joining us for an outing to Calaveras Big Trees State Park. That is the good thing about her job in that there are deadlines to be met, but how she meets them is up to her. While it is possible for six people and two dogs to fit into the Highlander, it would not be very comfortable. So David drives his car as well as us.
On our hike |
We get into the Park at 12:30. But not with a little hassle. We have a Golden Senior Pass which we know the number, but could not find the actual pass. But the attendant let us in anyway. When we parked, Sherri found the pass. The first thing we did was go into the Visitor Center, of course. Andrea bought a bear hat for a friend’s child.
Next stop is the warming hut where they are serving free hot chocolate and cider. While all the rest went in, I stayed out with Friday. I fell in with Jill, a volunteer. We talked for a while about the awe which people feel when they see Sequoias for the first time. It is the same awe we see in Yosemite and SEKI. I never tire of showing the wonders of the Sierra to first timers.
Jill has told us that there is a loop on roads which are closed to traffic. We started along the road which is not closed which goes past the North Grove area. A few cars come by, but nothing which interrupts our walk.
Gary found his outhouse
We came to the gated road Jill
told us about which is a fire road during the Summer and a ski trail
in the winter. Of course, there is no snow, so no skiing, just
walking. We rise up to a small saddle where there is a trail
junction. We take a left which takes up 200’. Here we continued a
conversation from Christmas eve: why am I reluctant to travel,
particularly internationally. These discussions are helping me to
refine my thinking. I will need to solidify my thoughts.
Andrea and the bear |
Gary in his aw shuck pose |
Shortly afterwards, we came back to a paved road. Here we take a right and go up to a scenic overlook. Unlike yesterday, the clouds accented the view as they seemed to rise from the forest away. With the rain this morning, the air is clear and there are still raindrops on the manzanita leaves.
Rachel and Friday |
Fire Road |
But we continue on our way on the Parkway. It winds around Big Tree Creek before heading back to the parking lot. Our total trip is about four miles. We did see some residual Sequoias, but nothing like we were wandering around them. That just leaves us a reason to come back here, maybe to camp in one of the environmental camps.
Walking the parkway Pool Wizards
We leave the parking lot and
return to the cabin. Rachel goes back to work and the rest of us
relax. After work,Rachel, Steve, David and I go down and play a
couple rounds of pool. I have never been good at this, but today, I
manage to be almost passable. All in all we enjoy ourselves.
For dinner, it is nachos and
soup. We all enjoyed the dinner and the company. Would we want to do
something like this again-rent out a cabin for Christmas? Yes and
maybe at other times of the year.
Extra Photo's
Andrea on her run |
Clouds from the scenic overlook |
Gary, Sherri, Steven, Korra, Rachel, Friday, David and Andrea |
Clouds from the scenic overlook |
Walking the parkway |
Sign at the visitor center |
Father and his Children |
The Outhouse |
Korra |
Rachel and Friday |
Trident Tree |
Parkway |
Can Gary really make this shot? |
Flowers and Plants
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