Title: February 8, 2022-Hawaii: Snorekling at Puako, Shopping and Coffee, and Whale Watching
Hike Info : Description : Extra Photo's : Flowers and Plants
Today was an exciting day, while much of the day was good, there was a period of distress and grave concern.
I got up a little after 7am. I then had breakfast before heading out to Puako for a morning snorkel. We went to the south beach access, which is really the first access to the beach. The ocean looked a bit choppy, but manageable. So we headed out into. The first thing which David sees when he sticks his head in the water is a Green Sea Turtle. Exciting. Then Kevin sees another one, which I manage to get a video of. So far pretty good.
When I look to find Kevin and David, they are well out into the water, swimming around. So I start swimming towards them. Sort of surprisingly enough, I make it out to them quicker than I thought I was going to. My snorkel is getting a bit of water in it, but I am cleaning it out OK.
Then Kevin comes by and says he is going in. But David is still out there, so I hesitate for a few minutes on going in. But then David starts to come in as well. So I turn around and head in. We had just gotten out beyond the reefs and there is a channel which allows us into the inner part of the area where the shallower water is. But as I go through the channel, I am being pushed back out into the bay. Not only that, I am getting caught up in the swells. David and Kevin say that they can see my body being tossed up on the crest of waves-that may be why I am sucking water through my snorkel.
Waiting for Mountain Thunder tour |
It was pretty tense, Kevin was the one who raised the alarm with my brother that I was in trouble. When we got back to the car and were able to shed our snorkeling gear, we were able to express relief that we all made it out OK. After comparing notes, we realized that besides the choppy water, we were also fighting a receding high tide. As David said, not a major drop between tides, but still enough to make it beyond my abilities.
Mountain Thunder |
Pine Tree Cafe-Kevin, Sherri and Gary |
At 2:00pm, Kevin drives us north along the coast. Several whale spouts are spotted. There was also a small brush fire completed with three engines and crews, police and an ambulance. A helicopter was dropping water on the fire. Looks like it was down by the ocean.
Picnic area at Kapa'a SP with Sherri, David and Kevin |
Kevin pulls us into a state park at Kapa’a State Beach. Several other groups are there as well to observe whales. None of us are disappointed as we spot one maybe a couple hundred yards or farther off shore. Then the big attraction happens out towards the horizon. A huge whale is laying around out there, splashing I assume for our entertainment. Wonderful.
Ocean view from Kapa'a |
We turn around and drive back home. We see several other spouts on our way back. Dinner is pulled pork-our second time. Still very good. Then we head on over to the beach by the Lava Lava Club. We arrive about 20 minutes before sunset and just mosey down the beach, away from most of the people. Even here, we see a whale spout in the distance. And then the sun sets, deep into the ocean, turning the sky into orange. A wonderful view.
Sunset |
Extra Photo's
Display at Mountain Thunder |
Tiki Man at Mountain Thunder |
Flowers and Plants
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